Sunday, April 27, 2014

Which Came First: the Chicken or the Egg?

          While I may be thinking about American polarization way more than the average Joe, due to my seemingly endless junior theme research, I have come across many interesting thoughts stemming from the theme of polarization. My theme specifically focuses on political polarization in our country, the gap between the democrats and the republicans, but when researching political polarization it is nearly impossible to run into other types of polarization as well. 

          The book "Red State Blue State Rich State Poor State" by Andrew Gelman looks at the geographic divisions caused by political divisions. Where people who live in certain states are classified as "red" or "blue". While these divisions may seem second nature to anyone who has watched the states light up on the election night news, there is more then initially meets the eye. Gelman argues that richer states, such as New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut are blue states, or vote democratically. Where as poorer states, such as Mississippi, New Mexico and Arkansas, were red states, or republican states. Even within these state lines, are districts that are either red or blue. This shows proof of geographic polarization especially people living in areas with people who agree with them politically. 
          So what came first, I ask myself, Political Polarization or Geographic Polarization? In other words, do people live where they do, be it states or districts, because people in the area agree with their political views? Or are people polarized politically because where they live. The book "Red Families v. Blue Families" discusses how family values and views on social issues divides us politically, and therefore geographically. So with our morals, political views and geographic location all playing a part in who we are, I ask: which causes which? I would be interested in hearing anyones anwser to this question, but while I continue to research I begin to think that maybe there isn't an anwser. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Inter Party Marriage?

          As you may recall from my last post, the topic I have decided to take on for my "Junior theme" research paper is political polarization in America and the growing partisan gap. While the topic in name may seem to center around congress and politicans over in Washington, what really stood out to me, and the reason I ultimatly choose the topic, was the fact that political polarization is so prevalent in our culture and some don't even realize it. Okay well maybe most people can attest to hearing political extremists on the news, or enduring a long dinner discussion of two avid political buffs who can't seem to agree on the same issue, or even families that won't allow their children to marry someone of the other political party. Yes, you heard me alright. According to CQ Researcher, a study from YouGov Poll in 2010 stated that about 50% of republicans and 35% of democrats said they would be unhappy if their child marrried someone from the other party. The same poll taken in 1960 found that only 5% of republicans and 4% of democrats would be unhappy with this.
          Like I stated, this fact was one that caused me discontempt. How could our society be so shallow, I thought. But two weeks and piles of books and articles later, I have discovered that there is way more to politics and the polarization of them then just the way some elected officials vote on laws. The polarization runs in a deep culture divide where morals are tested against eachother: social and political principles that people have increasingly become loyal to. It has started to occur to me that maybe the reason parents have increasingly not approved of inter party marrige is because they feel that their childrens' morals are being swayed by the oposing party spouse. Do you think that it is bad for parents to put these kinds of pressures on their child to marry one of the same political party? Or do you think that they are just trying to make sure that their future son/daughter in-law has the same values

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Path to the Real US?

LBGT Rights by Country
       When approached with the daunting task of coming up with a topic to write the world renowned "Junior Theme" paper on, I explored many issues and came up with the topic of political polarization and the partisan gap in America. While it seemed exhausting reading materials for days in search of a final topic, I did manage to find some fascinating things along the way. And though I didn't choose to write my theme on my findings from, I did think it was worthy of note.
       Path "2" USA is a website made for people from India who plan to visit or immigrate to the US. One section of the website lists what to do and not to do upon visiting our country. I urge everyone to take a look at this list. It is fascinating to see customs that are second nature to us, written out in a step by step guide for foreigners.
       One theme I noticed throughout the list was dos and don'ts that involved homosexuality. "Do not walk or sit with arms around the shoulders of someone of the same sex. You may be mistaken to be a "a Gay" or "a Lesbian"" was one that stuck out to me. Also the sites clear warning to not wear a pink shirt unless you want to be perceived as gay.
       It seemed to me that through the emphasis put on avoiding looking homosexual in American society, the site is making a statement on the amount of prejudice toward those who associate as gay in the US. The way that they used the words "a Gay" instead of just "gay" makes it seem like homosexuals are in a separate race of their own, and that Americans always have an eye out trying to spot someone who could associate with this group. 

       While the US has more freedom regarding same sex marrige than many countries in the world demonstrated by the map shown here, my findings make Americans out to seem homophobic and judgmental. Most interestingly enough, the people that that the post are targeted at are emmigrating from a country where it is deemed a "penalty" for being homosexual. Do you think that the US is more homophobic than other nations, regardless of the fact that we federally rocognize same sex marriage? How do you see us globally compared to other countries on this issue?